EECU Overview

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Unit (EECU)

EECU Logo Republic Act No. 11285 entitled: An Act Institutionalizing Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Enhancing the Efficient Use of Energy, and Granting Incentives to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Projects, otherwise known as, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EEC Act) was approved and signed into law in April 12, 2019. In one of its “Declaration of Policy,” specifically in Section 2(a), it states that it is the policy of the State to institutionalize energy efficiency and conservation as a national way of life geared towards the efficient and judicious utilization of energy.

The Implementing Rules and Regulations of the RA 11285 provides the guidelines of the implementation of the EEC Act. As an integral part of IRR, Rule VII, Section 34, the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) covers all government agencies including state universities and colleges. It is explicitly stated under GEMP that government entities including state universities shall formulate an energy efficiency and conservation program (EECP) to include energy conservation measures, target savings, motor vehicle inventory and other strategies consistent with GEMP.

To address the thrust of the government on energy efficiency and conservation, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Unit is thus institutionalized in DHVSU.

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Unit (EECU) shall be headed by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Unit Head (EECUH) who is also the designated Energy Efficiency and Conservation Focal Person, by virtue of Resolution No. 01. S.2020 by the INTER-AGENCY ENERGY EFFICIENCY and CONSERVATION COMMITTEE (IAECCC) which is created under Section 9 of the EEC Act. The EECUH is directly under the Director of Administrative Services Office.

Generally, he/she shall lead in the effective implementation of the EECP of the University consistent with GEMP and provide reports to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Officer (EEC Officer) on the matter such as monthly electricity and fuel consumption reports.

Particularly, the EECUH has the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Conduct promotion, education and communication campaigns on energy efficiency and conservation;
  2. Perform energy audits and spot checks;
  3. Formulate plans and programs to achieve at least ten percent (10%) reduction in electricity consumption;
  4. Prepare the DHVSU Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans and Energy Conservation Program (ECP) subject to the approval of University President;
  5. Review regularly the mechanism of the effectiveness of the ECP;
  6. Submit a monthly report on electricity and fuel consumption to the GEMP Online Portal;
  7. Submit all documentary requirements on or before the deadline to the Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC) thru the Department of Energy.
  8. Coordinate with other offices to ensure the compliance with the:
    1. Use of DOE-certified efficient products;
    2. Adherence to National Building Code (PD 1096) provisions on the implementation of the Guidelines for the Energy Conserving Design of Buildings and Utility Services;
    3. Adoption of energy efficiency concepts in the procurement practices;
    4. Implementation of fuel consumption savings plan focusing on proper scheduling of trips and maintenance of vehicles to achieve at least ten percent (10%) reduction in fuel costs.
  9. Submit a monthly accomplishment report to the ADMINSO Director.
  10. Perform other tasks as may be assigned by his/her immediate supervisor.

Furthermore, as part of his/her designation as EEC Focal Person, he/she shall also assist the EEC Officer in the following duties and responsibilities.

  • Prepare, formulate and submit for approval of the undersigned, the design, plan and implementation, monitoring and evaluation scheme for the University’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program (EECP) consistent with the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP);
  • Submit to the Department of Energy (DOE) the University’s approved EECP or any modifications thereof; and
  • Submit to DOE through its GEMP portal all required documents which includes the electricity and fuel consumption reports.

In the effective performance of his/her duties and responsibilities, he/she shall undergo DOE accredited trainings such as Certified Energy Auditor Training and Certified Energy Manager Training and other relevant trainings leading to being Certified Energy Auditor and/or Certified Energy Manager and other certifications relevant to his/her duties and responsibilities.

The EECU unit shall consist of EEC Professionals: the EEC Officer, EEC Focal Person and EEC Coordinators. The latter shall assist the EEC Officer and EEC Focal Person in the performance of their duties. The EEC Professionals shall undergo Capacity Building conducted by any third-party institutions duly recognized by the DOE to capacitate them in effectively performing their duties and responsibilities under the EEC Act, EEC-IRR, IAEECC Resolutions and the EECU.

EECU Policy



PURPOSE: To institutionalize energy efficiency and conservation measures and practices that will promote judicious utilization of energy in the university and to support the government thrust stipulated in RA11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act to secure sufficiency and stability of energy supply in the country.

SCOPE: This policy is to be adopted by all DHVSU employees and students including those in the satellite campuses and to be applied in all offices, structures, equipment and facilities. The Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC), a committee created under RA11285, continues to issue relevant resolutions in consonance with the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) that covers state universities. In this regard, more updated policies based on IAEECC resolutions and department circulars of the Department of Energy (DOE) shall supersede or complement or be added to the policies stated herein which are also based on existing circulars and resolutions by the aforementioned institutions.



  1. Take advantage of Natural Lighting as much as possible as long as it will not compromise safety and productivity.

Ex) During daytime, lights in the lobby area, comfort rooms and corridors should be turned off if natural lighting is sufficient.

  1. Turn-off lights when not in use or whenever practical, during lunch breaks and after office/class hours, except in offices where continuous work or “No Noon Break” policy is implemented.
  2. Ensure the observance of the use of Energy Efficient Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lamps, replacing old and busted lamps with LED lamps and replacing non-LED with LED type lamps. ALL LED Fixtures shall be compliant with Minimum Energy Performance for Products (MEPP) per DOE Department Circular No. DC2020-06-0016
  3. Apply illumination principles in the electrical lighting design so as to ensure efficient task-oriented lighting with reference to Energy Conserving Design of Buildings provided in Department Circular No. DC202012-12-0026.


  1. Ensure that only energy efficient inverter type air -conditioning units that are compliant with MEPP shall be installed or used in buildings/offices and/or facilities and air –conditioning system retrofit projects.
  2. Regularly maintain ACU units.
  3. Adjust the air conditioning thermostat to not lower than 24 degree Celsius in all offices/rooms.
  4. There should be an approved schedule of ACU operation. In rooms/offices where there is proper ventilation, ACU use should be limited to six (6) hours. During summer months and upon the discretion of the University President, maximum duration of 8 hours shall be allowed.
  5. The ACU unit can be set to fan mode from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 P.M. or whenever practical.
  6. Apply calculations and refer to standard table references provided by DOE and applicable codes in designing ACU cooling systems to ensure proper cooling capacity of ACU.
  7. Minimize air leakage as much as possible. Air leakage causes the compressor unit to operate longer, thus consuming more energy.
  8. There should be an assigned ACU operator in each office/room.


  • Turn-off equipment and devices when not in use; during lunch breaks or office hours except in offices where continuous work is being implemented.
  • Small appliances such as microwaves, electric kettles, oven toasters and other similar appliances which draw high amounts of energy are prohibited for personal use in offices and classrooms.
  • Telephone and other communication equipment shall be used strictly for official business only, except in times of emergency.


  1. Implement policies for adoption of maintenance and driving tips such as but not limited to the following:
  • Proper inflation and alignment of tires
  • Proper alignment and balancing of wheels
  • Periodic or regular oil change and oil filter replacement
  • Regular engine tune up
  • Replacement of air and fuel filters
  • Proper scheduling of daily trips
  • Smooth/moderate acceleration of vehicles
  • Prohibition of overloading
  1. Keep records of GEMP required documents related to vehicle and fuel use such as: consumption in liters per month, odometer reading, etc.
  2. Strict prohibition of idling of engines when a vehicle is parked.
  3. Use of vehicles for purposes other than official business shall not be allowed.


1. As a general energy efficiency policy on construction of buildings/offices and/or facilities and other retrofit projects, the Energy Conserving Design of Buildings, Green Building Code and National Building Code must be referred to and adhered to.


       1. It is prohibited to stay in offices and classrooms after office/class hours beyond the      approved schedule unless there is an approved permission to stay beyond the official time from the President or his duly authorized representative.

      2. Staying in offices and classrooms after office/hours on Saturdays and Sundays is       prohibited to students, faculty, and staff unless the said personnel or students are attending classes, CWTS or rendering overtime work as the case may be.


The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Professionals in coordination with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Unit shall be tasked to evaluate and recommend appropriate and relevant policy revisions.


Employees and Students are responsible for:

  • Recognizing that judicious energy use is vital and beneficial not only economically but also helps stop scarcity of fossil fuels thereby contributing to environment preservation.
  • Taking actions to conserve energy and reduce energy waste. Example: Classroom Energy Conservation by turning off lights and fans when not in use. Engage in research undertakings exploring energy efficiency and conservation.
  • Reporting Energy conservation ideas, energy waste incidents, to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Unit or their respective Department/Unit Heads.

EEC Officer and EEC Focal Person and EECU are responsible for:

  • Disseminating this policy to the DHVSU Community

Including energy efficiency and conservation unit policies in orientation programs.

EECU Videos

EECU Video 1 - ACU


EECU Video 2 - Lights