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Message from the President

universitypres new

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the DHVSU website.

A multitude of facts about the university can be found in this website. You can take a glimpse at our vision and mission, our responsive educational programs, innovative research, achievements and milestones, and the administrators, faculty, personnel, students, alumni and friends who constitute the proud DHVSU community.

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The Office of the Student Affairs

The Student Affairs is committed to the balanced and integrated development of students through its coordinated programs and services that shall complement the academic offerings of DHVSU. These were established in order to pinpoint responsibility and accountability of personnel and to effect smooth flow of work and coordination of the different student services of the University This Office helps the University in creating an integrated learning experience that helps students reach their educational, personal, and professional aspirations by enhancing their full potential capabilities in school and after graduation. It helps create a pleasant campus community where students are prepared to contribute to a changing world with social values and understanding of ethical behavior that compliments social responsibility and peace-loving, patriotic Filipino.

The Office also serves as the official communication link with other uthorities in the University and the student body on matters concerning student welfare and development, student activities/programs and student discipline.

The Director of the Office of Student Affairs


The designation of the Director of Student Affairs shall be confirmed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of the DHVSU President, unless otherwise the President is empowered by the Board to appoint.


The qualifications of the Director of Student Affairs shall be as follows:
a) a senior faculty, preferably, a holder of relevant doctorate degree;
b) have at least five (5) years of teaching experience in the University;
c) have at least three (3) years managerial or supervisory experiences;
d) has managerial and leadership qualities; and subject to other qualifications as may be prescribed by the BOR, the University President, authorities or by law.

Duties and Responsibilities

a) supervises the operation of the following units: University Learning Resource Center, University Culture and Arts, National Service Training Program, University Student Council and The Publication;
b) include planning and arranging recreational, cultural, and social activities of different student groups, evaluating programs and providing recommendations for improvements, and scheduling events;
c) oversee student activities and supervises the operation of student organizations and clubs, including organization budgets;
d) formulate and implement strategic plans for students on all related co-curricular or extra-curricular programs;
e) evaluate, accredit and recognize student organizations;
f) conduct and supervise the election of Supreme Student Council;
g) respond to the recurring problems of students on student assistance; insurance claims; civic or military training; and discipline; and
h) perform other functions and duties as may be delegated by the BOR, the University President, authorities and by law.

Business Processes
1. ID Validation Procedure
2. Application of Lost ID Procedure
3. Insurance Claim Procedure
4. Reporting a Lost and Found Procedure
5. Filing and Resolving an Incident Procedure
6. Application of Candidacy in the USC Election Procedure
7. Application of Accreditation/Re-Accreditation of a Student Organization Procedure

Online Business Processes
1. Issuance of Certificate of Non Issuance of ID (for Scholarship purposes), in case ID not yet available
2. Filing and Resolving an Incident or Case

Contact Details
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official Facebok Page: 

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure
OSA Org Structure

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities

The Student Affairs is committed to the balanced and
integrated development of students through its coordinated
programs and services that shall complement the academic
offerings of DHVSU. These were established in order to pinpoint
responsibility and accountability of personnel and to effect smooth
flow of work and coordination of the different student services of
the University

This Office helps the University in creating an integrated
learning experience that helps students reach their educational,
personal, and professional aspirations by enhancing their full
potential capabilities in school and after graduation.

It helps create a pleasant campus community where
students are prepared to contribute to a changing world with social
values and understanding of ethical behavior that compliments
socialresponsibility and peace-loving, patriotic Filipino.

The Office also serves as the official communication link

with other authorities in the University and the student body on
matters concerning student welfare and development, student
activities/programs and student discipline.

Basic Pandemic Preparedness Plan

Plans for continuing with reduced workforce:
OSA – Provision of services as scheduled/Limited face to face transactions
ULRC – Inventory of Library resources/Technical processing of books/Preparing documents needed/Limited face to face transaction
NSTP – Limited face to face transactions /Conduct of online services
USC - Limited face to face transactions /Conduct of online services
School Publication - Limited face to face transactions /Conduct of onlinerecruitment /Online publication of articles and other issuance

Plans to keep people safe:
Strictly follow University protocols (WFH & Physically present)
Observe strict window transactions

Study/Work from home plans
OSA – Responding to online requests vis FB page or official emailaddress/Prepare required reports for submission
ULRC - Answering online inquiries via online platforms/Downloading open source resources/Encoding of Bibliographic references of the collection
NSTP – Conduct of online classes/ submission of reports and other documents needed online
USC – Provision of online assistance desk to students/ Conduct of online services (e.g accreditation and re-accreditation of student organizations etc.)
Publication – Conduct of online recruitment for new staffers/ online publication of news and other articles

Required on-campus work
Prepare work schedule for the different OSA Units
Strictly follow the University protocols

The Different Units

The University Learning Resource Center (ULRC)
1. The Library provides materials and services in order to meet the instructional, research and extension needs of the various constituents of the University.

2. All students wishing to use the facilities and resources of the library are required to present a validated Library Card.
3. For faculty and administrative personnel, the University ID shall be presented upon entry.
4. Researchers coming from outside of the University are required to present a referral letter from the institution of origin and a researcher’s fee has to be paid. The fee is fixed at a price determined by the Board of Regents.
5. Certain rules and regulations apply to the use of the Library. These rules and regulations are posted at the Library itself.

1. Establish a climate of cultural awareness across all colleges and campuses of the university;
2. Enhance student’s sense of nationalism and patriotism through student involvement and participant in various cultural activities and competition;
3. Develop among students potential artists through regular workshop, training and recitals;
4. Recognize outstanding achievements through a reward system; and
5. Maintain active student involvement /enjoinment in the various fields of Culture and the Arts through subject equivalency / credit.

1. Provide continuous capability building activities and training for both students and coordinators of the University Culture and the Arts Unit;
2. Promote intra and intercultural linkages;
3. Showcase the various talents in Culture and the Arts through stage performance and the art exhibits;
4. Gives due recognition to award-winning achievement; and
5. Participates in various local regional, national and international competitions in Culture in the Arts.

National Service Training Program (NSTP)
All students, male and female enrolled in any baccalaureate and in at least two (2) year technical-vocational or associate courses are required to complete any one (1) National Service Training Program (NSTP) component as a graduation requirement, namely:

Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS)
Literacy Training Services(LTS)
Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC)

Goals and Objectives:
1. Enhance the civic-consciousness and defense-preparedness of the youth.
2. Develop the spirit/attitude of service and patriotism among the students.
3. Advance the youth involvement in public and civic affairs

1. Provides modules along the areas of physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of the students.
2. Establishes linkages with various communities

University Student Council (USC)
The University Student Council is the highest governing body amongst other recognized student organizations. Its primary purpose is to develop caliber students who shall handle and manage most of the affairs of the studentry. The USC shall serve as a benchmark in attaining grounds and mold students to become future leaders.

a. To promote the general well-being of the students through building harmonious school environment;
b. To organize and direct student activities toward their social, emotional,
intellectual and spiritual development;
c. To coordinate its various activities and programs with the Director of Student Affairs;
d. To inform and update the President of the institution on student matters, affairs and activities;
e. To adopt its own constitution and by-laws; and
f. To exercise and perform powers in accordance with the laws and regulations of the organizations.

Student Publication (The Industrialist)
The DHVSU Administration provides optimum opportunities for the growth and development of campus journalism. The University shall provide opportunities that shall help develop responsible student publications pursuant to the constitutional mandate of freedom of speech and press. All matters pertaining to student publication shall be subject to the laws of the land, the rules and regulations promulgated by the University. Student Publications could be established, operated and maintained only after prior accreditation and authorization.

The Student Publication shall define its vision, mission and goals for the information and guidance of students, members of the academic community and the general public. Such vision, mission and goals shall aim to support the University in the quest for educational excellence particularly in the improvement of instruction, promotion of research and involvement in meaningful activities of the community.

Student Discipline

Manual on Student Discipline

Click on photo to view PDF


Please refer to THIS LINK to view the ISO processes of the Office of Student Affairs.


Please refer to THIS LINK to view/download the ISO Forms of the Office of Student Affairs.

Student Handbook

Please refer to THIS LINK to view/download the official Student Handbooks of the various Colleges and Departments of the University.