The research agenda are based on the priority areas of the CHED-NHERA 2 (2009 - 2018), Philippine Development Plan (2017 – 2022), Research and Development, and Extension Agenda and Programs (RDEAP 2016 – 2022, Department of Agriculture), DOST Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (2017 – 2022), and Philippine National Health Research System Agenda (2017 – 2022).
It is stated in the University Research Manual revision 2019 (page 10) that each college/campus/unit is encouraged to submit research proposals congruent, but not limited, to the following priority research areas and topics:
- Education and Pedagogy - Program/Curricular Studies in Higher Education, Policy-Oriented Studies, Tracer Study;
- Health Science and Allied Medical Science -Policy-Oriented Studies, Food Safety and Security;
- Hospitality, Tourism, Business, and Management - Policy-Oriented Studies, Manpower Demand/Tracer Study, Quality Assurance System, Business/Enterprise Development;
- Technology, Engineering and Architecture - Renewable Energy Source, Pollution Control and Environment, Climate Change Mitigation and Disaster Risk Management, Materials Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Policy-Oriented Studies, and
- Social Science and Humanities - Cultural Development and Preservation, Policy-Oriented Studies, Sports and Wellness Development, Gender and Development.