The University is committed to forming the whole person – the intellectual,social, and spiritual self – and these values are integrated across the University campuses.DHVSU mission calls to support students of all faith traditions in their search for Ultimate meaning. Campus Ministry offers many opportunities for students to learn more about their own faith traditions and backgrounds. The University invites students of all faiths – to join and integrate their religious life into their years at University.
The Multi-Faith Centre is a Facility for: Worship, practice, and continuing education in religious traditions, Education in multi-faith living, working together for understanding peace and harmony, modelling religious tolerance and dialogue, and service to the University community forming links with the local community.
Multi-Faith Services
1. Recollections, Prayer Sessions and Discernment Talks for the Integrated
2. DHVSU Student Retreats
3. Retreat in Daily Life/First Spiritual Exercises
4. Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Counseling
5. Workshops on Prayer and Spirituality and other Offerings:
6. Use of Blessed Sacrament Room and Prayers Rooms
7. Training for Mass Service
8. Mass Cards, Mass Intentions and Mass Sponsorship
9. Religious Library of Spiritual Formation