Library Services Office


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The Library Services Office caters to the teaching and non-teaching employees, students at the different colleges and campuses of the university, its alumni and community. It provides a variety of services which includes technical, user and online services. It also serves outside researcher/s from other institutions with corresponding referral letters from their institution.

In April 2019, University Library was renamed to University Learning Resource Center and was transferred to its new building located at the back of the Administration Building. And in 2023, the organizational chart of the university was revised, and the University Learning Resource Center was transferred under the Vice President for Academic Affairs and was identified as one unit and is currently named Library Services Office.

With God’s blessings and the full support of the University President, Dr. Enrique G. Baking, together with the members of the Administrative Council and Library Personnel, the Library Services Office has been exerting every possible means to increase the library’s collection and be at par with other libraries in both public and private institutions of higher learning in the region and around the country.

Services offered

  1. User Services
  2. Circulation Services
    1. Information Desk/Circulation Desk
    2. Borrowing and Returning of books
  3. Reference Services
  4. Thesis and Dissertation Services
  5. Library Instruction Services
  6. Interlibrary Referral Services
  7. Internet Services
  8. Online Library Services
  9. AVR/DR Reservation Services
  10. Technical Services
  11. Community Services