DHVSU among awardees of DTI PQA Regionalization Program 2024

02112025 PQA Award   Samantha F. Batalla


Demonstrating its commitment to quality and performance excellence, the Don Honorio Ventura State University (DHVSU) was named as one of the awardees in the 2024 Philippine Quality Award (PQA) Regionalization Program, an initiative by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), as announced by the PQA Program on February 7, 2025, via a Facebook post.

DHVSU was one of the seven organizations in Central Luzon recognized by PQA for its Commitment to Quality Management (Level 1).

The PQA Regionalization Program was established under Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 22-12, series of 2022, to serve as a stepping stone toward national recognition and the prestigious PQA.

The said awards program is the highest level of national recognition for exemplary performance, patterned after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) of the United States.

Congratulations, DHVSU!