Counseling and Testing Center

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The Counseling and Testing Center serves as the service arm of the University. It operates through a series of services in order to facilitate understanding of self, achieve self-fulfillment, sustain self-worth, improve mental health, and assist in self- improvement. The services cater primarily to the high school, college, graduate school, and school of law students and extends to the adult academic community, which are composed of the faculty members, the administration and the service personnel. It also extends its services to the parents of the students and the alumni.

Guidance is a learning process wherein the individual is helped through a series of services to facilitate understanding of oneself, attain self-mastery and direction. It
recognizes and respects the worth and dignity of self and his/her relationship with others; thus, becoming the whole person the student desires to be. Guidance is more of prevention rather than cure.

Our vision is to support the academic and other department to attain the vision and mission of Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University. We provide holistic formation to the students by assisting them in their personal, social, educational and occupational planning that will promote the psychological well-being of students and make them productive members of the community and to the country in general.

• We assist the students to have a better understanding and appreciation of their well-being.
•We provide positive guidance to the students in making sound decisions.
• We develop among students’ appropriate interpersonal relationships.
• We assist students to appreciate self, family and community.
• We assist students to identify and develop skills needed in preparation for their chosen career.
• We provide possible job opportunities for the students by establishing linkages with other institutions, business firms and government offices.

General Objectives
The focus of guidance is the individual, not the problems; its purpose is to promote the growth of the individual in terms of self-direction. Encourage personal involvement towards immediate community and develop the willingness, to render services to his neighbors when needed, the desire to celebrate life together with them, and the eagerness to do something for the common good of the community.

Specific Objectives
• To assist the individual to discover his unique self and his needs.
• To assess his potentialities and evaluate his weakness by gradually helping him to accept himself; lead the students develop lifelong values and goals that are individually satisfying and socially desirable.
• To formulate plans of action in the services of these goals, and to proceed toward their realization.