Services Offered

The Counseling and Testing Center has a myriad of test materials that can be administered to stakeholders. To ensure standardization of administration, as well as validity, reliability, and general veracity, the office has psychometricians, guidance counselors, as well as an in-house psychologist that ensure a high standard in its testing. The office functions as the test administrator for the University Admission Test as well as for individual testing for students, employees, or applicants. The types of tests that the office can administer are:
• Intelligence Tests
• Aptitude Tests
• Interest Tests
• Personality Tests
• Screener Tests

The office also does orientations to students. Room – to – Room Orientation is the most common orientation that is done and is designed to help students know their school better and become aware of the guidance services. - Individual Inventory: Provides a synthesis of information about individuals which can be used to gain understanding of themselves as a person – their potential strengths and weaknesses, abilities, interests and needs.
• Student Information Sheet
• Individual Counseling Forms and Summary
• Cumulative Record
• Test Record
• Interest Inventory
• Personality Inventory
• Non-Test/Self-evaluation Report

Counseling Services
The heart of the guidance program is the counseling service. It is a form ofintervention that leads to healthier behaviors and better functioning. Students or employees may avail this service via self-referral (walk-in) or if there was found to be a need during the initial interview.
• Individual Counseling
• Group Counseling
• Career Counseling
• Family Counseling

Information Service
This service is an organized sharing through individual and group activities. It provides students with personal-social, educational-academic, and vocational occupational information. The Counseling and Testing Center sponsors lectures, film showing, seminars/webinars and other activities on campus, all aimed at students’ total development.
• Educational Information
• Vocational-Occupational Information
• Personal-Social Information

Consultation Service
This service is one of the major roles of the guidance counselor/guidance associate/guidance staff – being the specialist on how to respond to the needs and behavior of an individual. To have a mutual sharing and analysis of information with the administration/management, faculty members, parents and other specialists to facilitate sound decision making and come up with programs and strategies to aid the students’ needs.

Referral Service
If the problem is not within the level of competence of the guidance counselors, the counselees are referred to other specialists and/or institutions to obtain services that might be more efficient in helping the student.

Research and Evaluation
Research and Evaluation is also conducted in the Counseling and Testing Center. The data obtained in this service are being used for innovations in the programs and in designing interventions. The Center conducts research studies relevant to the needs of the students and the guidance programs are evaluated to assess their effectiveness at the end with the goal of improving the guidance services.

Follow-up Services
This service is intended to secure information about former students and provide continuing services for students after they leave school. This is a technique for evaluating the appropriateness and adequacy of the instructional program. The Counseling and Testing Center helps find out the condition of the student who received assistance and also seeks to determine the sufficiency of the programs and services extended in meeting the needs of the students. The guidance center helps find out the condition of the student who received assistance and also seeks to determine the sufficiency of the programs and services extended in meeting the needs of the students.
• In school Follow-up
• Out-of-school Follow-up