Undergraduate Programs
Student applicants must upload the following documents to the DHVSU Online Admission Portal during their application for the desired program. Applicants with incomplete/invalid submitted requirements will not be processed.
A. First Year
1. Certified True Copy of Senior High School (SHS) School Form 9 / School Form 10 from Grade 11 to 2nd quarter of Grade 12;
2. Certificate of Grade weighted average;
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character;
4. Original PSA/NSO Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate for female married applicant;
5. Two (2) pes 2x2 size color picture, white background with nametag:
6. Parents/ Guardians' latest Income Tax Return (ITR) or Certification of Tax Exemption (for Low Income Family); and
7. Completely accomplished College profiling via online admission portal.
8. Additional requirements for BSN qualifiers:
a. Psychometric assessment
b. Physical fitness certified by government physician with laboratory results (Chest x-ray, CBC, Urinalysis)
Payment of Testing Fee amounting to P300.00 to the university cashier must be done prior to the schedule university admission test (UAT). This is only applicable to applicants not qualified under R.A 1093/ known as the "Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2017.
B. Transferees
Students who have done college work in other learning institutions and are seeking admission to DHVSU, for the first time, shall be categorized as transferees. They include those who started college work, transferred to other schools, and are now seeking re-admission. This category also covers applicants to the Graduate Programs.
1. Certified True Copy of Grades of all enrolled subjects;
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character;
3. Original copy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate for female married applicant;
4. Two (2) pieces 2x2 size color picture in white background with nametag;
5. Parents/Guardians’ latest Income Tax Return (ITR) or Certification of Tax Exemption (for Low Income Family); and
6. Completely accomplished College profiling via DHVSU Online Admission Portal.
For successful applicants, the following documents must be presented during the enrolment:
1. Certified True Copy (CTC) of Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credential; and
2. Transcript of Records - original and authenticated (Certified True Copy).
Note: Student applicants for board programs must not have any outstanding failure in all enrolled subjects. In addition, only students who have enrolled in any course leading to a degree program will be admitted as transferees in accordance with the existing policies of the University. Moreover, admission of transferees is subject to availability of slot. Testing Fee of P300.00 must be paid to the university cashier before the schedule of University admission test (UAT).
C. Returning Students
1. Fully accomplished clearance from the cashier as of the last term enrolled; and
2. Acceptance slip from the Dean of the receiving college or Director of the satellite campus.
Note: Applicant may transact directly to the Office of the Registrar.
D. Cross-enrollees
1. Cross-enrolment permit from school or department currently enrolled in;
2. Certified true copy of evaluation form indicating the subject/s, course code and description of the subject the student wish to cross enroll; and
3. Completely accomplished College profiling DHVSU Online Admission Portal.
E. Shiftees
1. Certified True copy of grades:
2. Shifting form issued and endorsed by the Office of the Registrar; and
3. Approved shifting form from the Dean of the receiving College or Director of the Extension Campus.
Note: Students with GWA lower than 85 and subject grades below 80 who wish to shift to another academic program with board exam shall not be allowed.
F. Foreign Students
1. Must meet all the prescribed admission requirements of the University and the concerned College where they are seeking for admission:
• Certificate of Completion of a Secondary Curriculum
• Personal Data
• Original Transcript of Record
• Affidavit of Support
• Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)
•Certification of Proficiency in English based on TOEFL score (for non-Filipino speaker of English)
• Student Visa (VISA Extension for continuing student)
• Security Clearance from his/her Embassy
• Resident Guarantor of his/her character
• Photocopy of passport pages where name, photo, birth date and birthplace appear
• Completely accomplished College Application Form
2. Must meet the entire prescribed requirements by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and Bureau of Immigration (BI).
3. Foreign students may be admitted based on availability of slots of the course being applied for and are limited to special courses.
4. Completely accomplished College profiling via DHVSU Online Admission Portal.
G. For Degree Holder (Second Courser)
1. Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records with Special Order Number or Board Resolution/Referendum Number;
2. Certified Photocopy of College Diploma;
3. Original copy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate; For female married applicants- Original copy of PSA/NSO Marriage Certificate;
4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from former school or Certificate of Good Moral Standing from the employer if employed;
5. Three (3) pieces 2x2 size color photo with white background and name tag (taken within the last six months); and
6. Completely accomplished College profiling via DHVSU Online Admission Portal.
Note: Applicants must have complete and valid credentials. Must meet all the prescribed admission requirements of the University and the college where the applicants are seeking for admission.
G. Change of Civil Status
1. Letter of Intent; and
2. Original PSA Marriage Certificate.
Laboratory High School
1. Certification from the School Principal which states that the applicant belongs to upper 20% of the graduating class;
2. Certified True Copy of Grade 6 School Form 9 (Report Card): with grades from 1st to 4th grading period;
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character;
4. Original copy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate;
5. Two (2) pieces 2x2 color picture white background with name tag; and
6. Completely accomplished Grade 7 profiling via DHVSU Online Admission Portal.
Note: Students must qualify in the final screening (Qualifying Exam and Interview) administered by the receiving department. Testing Fee of P300.00 must be paid before the scheduled university admission test (UAT).
Graduate School
Master's and Doctorate Degree Program
1. Letter of Intent Addressed to Admission Director;
2. Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records with Special Order Number or Board Resolution/Referendum Number;
3. Certification of Grade Point Average from former school;
4. Two (2) reference form to be accomplished by the immediate superior and/or former professor (Use the DHVSU template, download the form at https://dhvsu.edu.ph/online-services/online-portals/downloadable-forms?view=article&id=1303:admissions-downloadable-forms&catid=17:admissions
5. Original PSA/NSO Birth Certificate; or
6. Marriage Certificate issued by PSA/NSO for married female applicant; and
7. Copy of properly signed Master’s Thesis Approval Sheet and Front page (for Doctorate Program)
Note: Testing Fee of P300.00 must be paid to the university cashier before the schedule of University admission test (UAT).
Juris Doctor (Law)
1. Letter of Intent Addressed to Admission Director:
2. Certified True Copy of College Transcript of Records with Special Order Number or Board Resolution/Referendum Number;
3. Certification of Grade Point Average from former school:
4. Certified Photocopy of College Diploma;
5. Two (2) reference form to be accomplished by the immediate superior and/or former professor (Use the DHVSU template, download the form at https://dhvsu.edu.ph/online-services/online-portals/downloadable-forms?view=article&id=1303:admissions-downloadable-forms&catid=17:admissions
6. Original PSA/NSO Birth Certificate;
7. Marriage Certificate issued and authenticated by PSA, for married female applicant (Photocopy, bring Original for verification purposes); and
8. Completely accomplished school of law applicant profiling via DHVSU Online Admission Portal.