1. Extension Services – the office continuously links up with relevant offices to extend its services further than the university itself in order to further improve community mental health. These extension services are usually based around the Community-Based Mental Health (CBMH) and Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation (CBDR).
2. Community-Based Mental Health (CBMH) – is a service anchored in the USAID’s Katatagan Plus Program. The mental health professionals of the CTC were trained with this program to deliver a mental health service in a community setting.
3. Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation (CBDR) – is an integrated model for helping PWUDs (persons who use drugs) who are at low to moderate risk for drug use, or those with mild severity of drug dependence.
4. Know the Signs, End the Silence – the Counseling and Testing Center, in collaboration with the Gender and Development Office, as well as the University Student Council, has a program specifically for those who have suffered or are suffering from abuse.
5. Laboratory High School Developmental Guidance Programs – The office facilitates a developmental guidance program that caters to the specific needs of each grade level of the junior high school students of the university.
6. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for DHVSU Employees (MHPS) - Provides individual or group counseling services to employees experiencing anxiety, panic attack, fear, stress, and other mental health-related concerns. The program aims to assist DHVSU personnel to develop positive coping skills and resiliency. The process will also assist an individual employee to address troubling thoughts and emotions so as to regain control and become a more functional individual.
7. Peer Facilitator’s Student Organization: The Counseling and Testing Center has, under its supervision and advisement, the Peer Facilitator’s Student Organization. This organization serves as the arm and leg of the office, and helps the office in the various services that it provides to the university. The members of this organization are also trained to facilitate intake interview, basic counseling, and psychological first aid to students.