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NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply, Delivery, Fabrication and Installation of Various Materials and Components of the Extension Project entitled "Sustainable Water Supply for Aeta Communities in Sitio Tirya, Mawacat using Hydraulic Ramp Pump (Mawacat Hydram Proje

N. DELA RESMA DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION has been notified to proceed with the project "Supply, Delivery, Fabrication and Installation of Various Materials and Components of the Extension Project entitled "Sustainable Water Supply for Aeta Communities in Sitio Tirya, Mawacat using Hydraulic Ramp Pump (Mawacat Hydram Project) joint-funded by the DOST under CEST Program and the LGU of Floridablance".

 Click the image below for details.
NTP   Hydram   20240918   thumbnail