TAGLINE: Together, let’s sow a S.E.E.D. (Sustainable and Energy Efficient DHVSU)
Republic Act No. 11285 entitled: An Act Institutionalizing Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Enhancing the Efficient Use of Energy, and Granting Incentives to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Projects, otherwise known as, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EEC Act) was approved and signed into law in April 12, 2019. In one of its “Declaration of Policy,” specifically in Section 2(a), it states that it is the policy of the State to institutionalize energy efficiency and conservation as a national way of life geared towards the efficient and judicious
utilization of energy.
The Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the RA 11285 provides the guidelines of the implementation of the EEC Act. Furthermore, Rule VIII of the IRR pertains to the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) with scope stated in section 43, covering all government agencies, including state universities and colleges. The Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC), a committee created under Chapter 3, Section 9 of RA11285 to provide strategic direction in the implementation of GEMP, promulgated and
adopted the GEMP Guidelines (Annex A of IAEECC Resolution No. 5 series 2022).
To address the thrust of the government on energy efficiency and conservation, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Unit (EECU) was included in the DHVSU Revised Organizational Framework which was approved by virtue of Board of Reagent (BOR) Resolution No. 09, Series 2023 dated January 30, 2023. The EECU is directly under the Administrative Services Office (ADMINSO).
The EECU shall be headed by the EECU Head (EECUH). Generally, he/she shall lead in the effective implementation of the EEC Program (EECP) of the University consistent with GEMP and provide reports to the EEC Officer on the matter such as monthly electricity and fuel consumption reports.
Particularly, the EECUH has the following duties and responsibilities as stated in Administrative Services Office Memorandum No. 24, series 2023 dated August 18, 2023 (official designation of EECUH):
- Conduct promotion, education and communication campaigns on energy efficiency and conservation;
- Perform energy audits and spot checks;
- Formulate plans and programs to achieve at least ten percent (10%) reduction in electricity consumption;
- Prepare the DHVSU Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans and Energy Conservation Program (ECP) subject to the approval of University President;
- Review regularly the mechanism of the effectiveness of the ECP;
- Submit a monthly report on electricity and fuel consumption to the GEMP Online Portal;
- Submit all documentary requirements on or before the deadline to the Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC) thru the Department of Energy.
- Coordinate with other offices to ensure the compliance with the:
- Use of DOE-certified efficient products;
- Adherence to National Building Code (PD 1096) provisions on the implementation of the Guidelines for the Energy Conserving Design of Buildings and Utility Services;
- Adoption of energy efficiency concepts in the procurement practices;
- Implementation of fuel consumption savings plan focusing on proper scheduling of trips and maintenance of vehicles to achieve at least ten percent (10%) reduction in fuel costs.
- Submit monthly accomplishment report to the ADMINSO Director.
- Perform other tasks as may be assigned by his/her immediate supervisor.
In the effective performance of his/her duties and responsibilities, he/she shall undergo DOE accredited trainings such as Certified Energy Auditor Training and Certified Energy Manager Training and other relevant trainings leading to being Certified Energy Auditor and/or Certified Energy Manager, Authorized Energy Auditor and other certifications relevant to his/her duties and responsibilities.
The EECUH shall be in close coordination with the designated EEC Professionals: the EEC Officer, EEC Focal Person and EEC Coordinators with the following duties and responsibilities as stated in their respective official designations by the University President and as provided in IAEECC Resolution No.1 series of 2020 and Department Circular No.2023-05-0009:
EEC Officer
- Prepare, formulate and submit for approval of the undersigned, the design, plan and implementation, monitoring and evaluation scheme for the University’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program (EECP) consistent with the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP);
- Submit to the Department of Energy (DOE) the University’s approved EECP or any modifications thereof; and
- Submit to DOE through its GEMP portal all required documents which includes the electricity and fuel consumption reports.
EEC Focal Person
- Assist the EEC Officer in her duties and responsibilities.
- Lead in the effective implementation of the EECP of the University consistent with GEMP and provide reports to the EEC Officer on the matter such as monthly electricity and fuel consumption reports.
EEC Coordinators
- Assists the EEC Officer and the Focal Person in the overall implementation of the GEMP to their offices/buildings/facilities;
- Assists the EEC Focal Person in managing the energy utilization of their agency; and
- Implements properly the EEC measures within their respective offices/buildings/facilities such as the following:
- Activate sleep settings of office equipment
- Turn-off unused lights and air-conditioning units, except in offices where continuous work or “No-Noon Break” policy is being implemented;
- Keep doors of air-conditioned spaces closed to maintain temperature of 24-degree Celsius.
- Ensure maintenance of government vehicles such as the following:
- proper inflation and alignment of tires;
- proper alignment and balancing of wheels;
- periodic/regular oil change and oil filter replacement;
- regular engine tune-up and replacement of air and fuel filters;
- proper scheduling of daily trips;
- smooth/moderate acceleration of vehicles and driving at a steady pace to avoid unnecessary/repetitious speeding up or slowing down;
- strict prohibition of idling engines when vehicle is parked; and
- Prohibition and overloading of vehicles.
- Participate in EEC activities/programs (Information, Education, Communication (IEC) forums, workshops, trainings, and meetings) conducted by DOE or DOE approved third party institutes.
The EEC Professionals shall undergo capacity building conducted by DOE or DOE approved/recognized third party institutes to capacitate them in effectively performing their duties and responsibilities.
In addition to the EEC Professionals, the EECU shall also enjoin the designated Energy Conservation Implementers (ECI) and Energy Conservation Student Implementers (ECSI) in the implementation of applicable EECU policies in their respective offices, buildings and/or