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The Office of the Student Affairs

The Student Affairs is committed to the balanced and integrated development of students through its coordinated programs and services that shall complement the academic offerings of DHVSU. These were established in order to pinpoint responsibility and accountability of personnel and to effect smooth flow of work and coordination of the different student services of the University This Office helps the University in creating an integrated learning experience that helps students reach their educational, personal, and professional aspirations by enhancing their full potential capabilities in school and after graduation. It helps create a pleasant campus community where students are prepared to contribute to a changing world with social values and understanding of ethical behavior that compliments social responsibility and peace-loving, patriotic Filipino.

The Office also serves as the official communication link with other uthorities in the University and the student body on matters concerning student welfare and development, student activities/programs and student discipline.

The Director of the Office of Student Affairs


The designation of the Director of Student Affairs shall be confirmed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of the DHVSU President, unless otherwise the President is empowered by the Board to appoint.


The qualifications of the Director of Student Affairs shall be as follows:
a) a senior faculty, preferably, a holder of relevant doctorate degree;
b) have at least five (5) years of teaching experience in the University;
c) have at least three (3) years managerial or supervisory experiences;
d) has managerial and leadership qualities; and subject to other qualifications as may be prescribed by the BOR, the University President, authorities or by law.

Duties and Responsibilities

a) supervises the operation of the following units: University Learning Resource Center, University Culture and Arts, National Service Training Program, University Student Council and The Publication;
b) include planning and arranging recreational, cultural, and social activities of different student groups, evaluating programs and providing recommendations for improvements, and scheduling events;
c) oversee student activities and supervises the operation of student organizations and clubs, including organization budgets;
d) formulate and implement strategic plans for students on all related co-curricular or extra-curricular programs;
e) evaluate, accredit and recognize student organizations;
f) conduct and supervise the election of Supreme Student Council;
g) respond to the recurring problems of students on student assistance; insurance claims; civic or military training; and discipline; and
h) perform other functions and duties as may be delegated by the BOR, the University President, authorities and by law.

Business Processes
1. ID Validation Procedure
2. Application of Lost ID Procedure
3. Insurance Claim Procedure
4. Reporting a Lost and Found Procedure
5. Filing and Resolving an Incident Procedure
6. Application of Candidacy in the USC Election Procedure
7. Application of Accreditation/Re-Accreditation of a Student Organization Procedure

Online Business Processes
1. Issuance of Certificate of Non Issuance of ID (for Scholarship purposes), in case ID not yet available
2. Filing and Resolving an Incident or Case

Contact Details
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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