Office details

OSA Units

  1. University Student Council - The University Student Council is the highest governing body amongst other recognized student organizations. Its primary purpose is to develop caliber students who shall handle and manage most of the affairs of the studentry. The USC shall serve as a benchmark in attaining grounds and mold students to become future leaders.

  2. Office of the University Student Publication (The Industrialist) - The DHVSU Administration provides optimum opportunities for the growth and development of campus journalism. The University shall provide opportunities that shall help develop responsible student publications pursuant to the constitutional mandate of freedom of speech and press. All matters pertaining to student publication shall be subject to the laws of the land, the rules and regulations promulgated by the University. Student Publications could be established, operated and maintained only after prior accreditation and authorization.

    The Student Publication shall define its vision, mission and goals for the information and guidance of students, members of the academic community and the general public. Such vision, mission and goals shall aim to support the University in the quest for educational excellence particularly in the improvement of instruction, promotion of research and involvement in meaningful activities of the community.


Organizational structure

  • Director – Gloria B. Gigante, EdD
  • OSA Coordinators (Colleges and Campuses)


Contact Information


Online services

  • Request of Certificate of Non-Issuance of ID - Message the request document thru messenger. Send the latest PDF copy of the Certificate of Registration that can be downloaded to the Student Portal and indicate the purpose/where the certificate will be use.