Bids and Awards Committee Office

NOTICE TO PROCEED - Procurement of Group Accident Insurance of the Old Students of DHVSU
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Procurement of Security Services (Main Campus and Regular Campuses)
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Renewal of Subscription of Electronic Books and Electronic Journals for the Different Programs offered by the University
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Repair and Improvement of Macapagal and Arroyo Science and Technology Building at DHVSU Lubao Campus
Notice to Proceed - Repair and Maintenance of Existing Covered Walkway at Main Campus and Extension Lot, DHVSU, Bacolor, Pampanga
Notice to Proceed - Repair and Maintenance of Swimming Pool at DHVSU Extension Lot Main Campus, Bacolor, Pampanga
Notice to Proceed - Site Development (Embankment Upgrading with Retaining Walls and Site Clearing) at DHVSU Sto. Tomas Campus, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Subscription to Cloud Hosting with Modules Enhancement and Maintenance/Support Services for the School Management System S.Y. 2024-2025
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of Athletic Uniforms for the Genderized University Intramurals
Notice to Proceed - Supply and Delivery of Air-Conditioning Technician Supplies and Materials to be used by the Grounds Improvement Maintenance Unit
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of Audio Visual Equipment
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of Chairs with Armrest
Notice to Proceed - Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies, Drugs and Medicines to be used at the Dental Clinic
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of Furniture and Fixtures to be used at DHVSU Porac Campus
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of Furnitures and Fixtures for Various Offices
Notice to Proceed - Supply and Delivery of Furnitures and Fixtures for Various Offices
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment (Desktop Computer) to be used at DHVSU Mexico Campus
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment (Desktop Computers) to be used at the College of Engineering and Architecture
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment (Desktop Computers) to be used at the College of Industrial Technology
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment (Desktop Computers) to be used at College of Business Studies