2023 News

LHS Third Quarter Examination Schedules
Notice to Proceed - Improvement of Road, Drainage System and Site Development including Repiping of Water Lines, Sewer Lines and Water Hydrants Phase 1 at DHVSU Main Campus
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Machinery and Equipment (Climate Change Project): Provision of Solar Panel including Accessories and Mounting Bracket at the 3-Storey Learning Resource Center at DHVSU Main Campus, Bacolor, Pampanga (Rebidding)
Notice to Proceed - Repair and Maintenance of Existing Covered Walkway at Main Campus and Extension Lot, DHVSU, Bacolor, Pampanga
Notice to Proceed - Repair and Maintenance of Swimming Pool at DHVSU Extension Lot Main Campus, Bacolor, Pampanga
Notice to Proceed - Site Development (Embankment Upgrading with Retaining Walls and Site Clearing) at DHVSU Sto. Tomas Campus, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga
Notice to Proceed - Supply and Delivery of Air-Conditioning Technician Supplies and Materials to be used by the Grounds Improvement Maintenance Unit
Notice to Proceed - Supply and Delivery of Dental Supplies, Drugs and Medicines to be used at the Dental Clinic
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment (Desktop Computers) to be used at the College of Engineering and Architecture
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment (Desktop Computers) to be used at the College of Industrial Technology
Notice to Proceed - Supply and Delivery of ICT Supplies and Devices for Various Offices
Notice to Proceed - Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies and Devices (Line Items Nos. 1 to 4)
Notice to Proceed - Supply, Delivery and Installation of Furniture and Fixtures, Office Equipment and Supplies and Materials of the Three-Storey Extension Building of Academic Building 1 (Line Item Nos. 1 to 3)
NOTICE TO PROCEED - Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Air-Conditioning Units/System for Various Offices/Units and Laboratories
Observances | Aldo ning Kapampangan (Pampanga Day)
Online admission application for incoming first-year college students A.Y. 2024-2025
Orange solidarity: Honorian GADvocates unite for the opening of 18-day EVAW campaign
Radio Escuelar DHVSU – Episode 1
Raise your flag: Honorians unite for DHVSU Intramurals 2024
Sowing a SEED: EECU reiterates RA 11285