
The Don Honorio Ventura College of Arts & Trades (DHVCAT) was converted into a state college on May 5, 1978 by virtue of Presidential Decree No.1373 by then- President Ferdinand E. Marcos through the initiative of then-Solicitor General and Pampanga Governor Estelito P. Mendoza.

One of the mandates of a chartered institution of higher learning like DHVCAT is to provide relevant quality education to its clientele in and outside Luzon. Hence, new curricular programs like Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering were offered in response to its vision and mission of delivering quality technological education to its service sector especially the poor and unprivileged families. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering was added to the roster of curricular offerings in June 1994 as an offshoot to the Institution's curricular program expansion.

Because of its continuous expansion and addition of relevant curriculum programs, the Institute changed its name from Institute of Engineering and Architecture to Institute of Science and Technology because of the offering of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BS Info Tech) at the onset of S.Y. 2004-2005. Responsive to the clamour of the academic community in the offering of in-demand programs, Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering (BS ECE) was offered in the opening of S.Y. 2005-2006. Moreover, in order to address the emerging requirements for professionals of the fast-growing manufacturing and service industries within the region, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts major in Industrial Design were introduced in S.Y. 2007 - 2008, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering was introduced in S.Y. 2015 - 2016.

In 2009, the Institute was renamed into the College of Engineering and Architecture following the conversion of DHVCAT into the Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University (DHVTSU) per Republic Act 9832 signed by former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

From Dr. Wenceslao Santos, the first head of the Institute in 1978, the following persons have acted as Dean in the now thriving College:

Mr. Domingo Manganti - 1981 to 1983
Engr. Benjamin C. Guevarra - 1984 to 1990
Engr. Esmeraldo Cruz - 1991 to January 31, 1992
Engr. Rohel Serrano - February 1, 1992 to January 1, 2008
Engr. Reden M. Hernandez - January 2, 2008 to April 9, 2017
Engr. Jun P. Flores - April 10, 2017 to present