Human Resource Management Unit Overview

The Human Resource Management Unit (HRMU) shall be headed by the Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO) who is one of the Supervising Administrative Officers of DHVSU. The HRMO is directly under the Director of the Administrative Services Office.

Generally, he/she has direct supervision over the management and development of all university personnel.

Functions, duties, and responsibilities

  1. Serve as the secretariat of the Human Resource Merit and Promotion Selection Board (HRMPSB), Faculty Selection Board (FSB), Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee, and Complaints Grievance Committee (CGC) of the University;
  2. Serve as a member of the Committee on Anti-Red Tape and Performance Management Team;
  3. Comply with the requirements set forth by the 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORA-OHRA) revised 2018;
  4. Comply with the requisites of the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM);
  5. Maintain and secure an updated profile (201 file) of all DHVSU personnel;
  6. Create and implement a system in maintaining and securing all the documents submitted by applicants seeking employment in the University;
  7. Propose to the Director of ADMINSO relevant trainings and seminars based on the results of the Training Needs Assessment;
  8. Prepare the Annual Training and Development Plans for personnel;
  9. Conduct relevant trainings and seminars;
  10. Conduct regular orientation of newly-hired and newly promoted faculty and non-teaching personnel;
  11. Exercise disciplinary powers over employees under HRMU;
  12. Monitor the adherence of all personnel on existing university laws, rules and regulations;
  13. Supervise leave administration to ensure accurate and timely posting of leaves earned, absences, tardiness, and under times incurred and check the monthly reports;
  14. Certify the correctness of leave balances and service credits of university personnel;
  15. Prepare performance targets and regularly evaluate performance of all HRMU personnel;
  16. Obtain and manage customer feedback and initiate innovations to improve existing processes and procedures of the unit;
  17. Prepare and submit plans and accomplishment reports;
  18. Observe compliance with all the requirements of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System;
  19. Serve as the liaison officer to the Civil Service Commission;
  20. Adopt the 7S Principles in the unit;
  21. Serve as the Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the ADMINSO Director; and
  22. Perform other tasks as may be assigned by the higher authorities.


Contact Information

  • Email address - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Telephone number – (045) 458-3812 to 3815
  • Mobile number - 0917 677 5142